“Oracy develops students’ confidence, articulacy and capacity to learn. To provide a high quality oracy education empowers pupils, regardless of their background, to find their voice for success in school and in life.” Voice 21
What approach do we follow for teaching oracy?
We are a ‘Voice 21’ School. We support the development of good speaking and listening skills amongst our pupils through developing vocabulary and spoken language. Correct spoken language and the development of vocabulary are fundamental to learning and communicating.
We aim to teach our children how to listen to others, how to speak effectively in a range of contexts and how to use these skills to collaborate with others.
How do we teach vocabulary?
Every topic lesson includes key vocabulary teaching, the vocabulary is subject specific and important for the understanding of key knowledge in the lesson. Vocabulary taught comes directly from the knowledge organiser. We teach vocabulary through the approach:
- Read it
- Say it [accurately to your partner]
- Define it
- Use it [In context]
Every classroom displays oracy sentence starters at the top of their interactive whiteboard. Displaying sentence starters encourages and promotes talking in full sentences and the use of sentence stem starters helps to support development of speech and talk.
How do we develop oracy and talk?
- Give supportive formative feedback
- Invite pupil to ‘say it again better’
- Respond to improved response
Oracy outcomes are planned and completed across the curriculum throughout the academic year.
We encourage partner talk in every lesson and the children ‘rise and shine’ when sharing a response to further develop their communication and speaking skills.