St Mary’s is an active and important part of the Catholic Parish of Bognor Regis and Slindon and the children attend Mass both at the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows and at the school. We have regular visits with our Parish Priests, Fr Chris and Fr Victor.
First Holy Communion
A large number of our children make their First Holy Communion during KS2, usually when they are in Yr3 or Yr4. This is then followed by a special celebration at school. If you would like to find out more about the First Holy Communion programme, please contact the Parish Office at Our Lady of Sorrows Church on 01243 823619.
We warmly encourage children to attend ‘Crossroads’, the parish run youth group for children in school years 4 – 6. There are lots of fun activities as well as time for prayer and reflection. Pick up a flyer in Church or contact the Parish Office.
Children’s Liturgy
There is a weekly children’s liturgy at Our Lady of Sorrows each week during term-time during the 10am Mass, and at St Anthony’s, Rose Green, during the 11am Mass. The Gospel of the week is shared in a child-friendly way with fun activities for children of primary school age. Little Fishes also runs during 10am Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows for pre-school and reception age children. Please see parish website for more details (link above).
Altar Serving
Many of our children enjoy serving on the altar, at school Masses and at regular parish Masses. This is a really good way for children who have celebrated their First Holy Communion to take part in the Mass as it engages them in a very direct and important way. New servers are always welcome and full training is given. More details from the Parish Office.
Got questions? Alpha is for you.
The Alpha course runs regularly in the parish – and we’d love to organise it in school for parents, too. It’s an opportunity to ask the big questions about life, meaning and faith in a welcoming and supportive atmosphere. It works brilliantly for those who are enquiring about the Catholic faith, as well as supporting those who are already Catholics to grow in their faith. Details of the next Alpha course from .
Deanery Enrichment Day
Each year, some Year 5 and Year 6 children from each of our Deanery schools join together for an Enrichment Day. The deputies and other staff from each school together with Sixth formers from St Philip Howard plan and run the day. The theme of the day varies from year to year.r.
Sports Festivals
During the academic year 2019/20, children in Year 5 and Year 6 will again enjoy their sports days at St Philip Howard during the course of the year. These are a good opportunity to try other sports and to mix with some of the children from the other Deanery Primary Schools who they may be in classes with once at St Philip Howard, or other local secondary schools. They also support transition for the majority of our children who go on to attend St Philip Howard.
Deanery Advent Service
Each Advent, Year 5 and Year 6 pupils from St Mary’s, St Richard’s and St Philip’s, and pupils from St Philip Howard come together at Arundel Cathedral to celebrate the start of Advent with a service planned by each of the four schools on a rota basis. The organising school chooses a charity which the four schools then fundraise for and representatives from the school visit the other schools to share information about the chosen charity.
Deanery Schools
As part of the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton we have close links with the local Deanery Schools.
St. Mary’s Catholic Primary Bognor Regis
St. Philip’s Catholic Primary Arundel