

Dear Children and Families,

At. St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, we believe that God is with us always. We are going through an unprecedented period of uncertainty. However, when we are all at school, we spend lots of time together in our classes and as a whole school praying, taking part in liturgies and spending time with God in different ways. The following resources might be helpful if you would like to spend some time with God while we’re all at home, either on your own or with your families.

There are links to children’s liturgy activities so that you can still listen to and reflect on the Gospel each week, like we do together as a school on a Monday morning, or there are ideas for other liturgies you could create for your family. There are craft activities you could do linked to Easter, or other ways to help you be close to God. Spending time with God can give us strength, comfort and peace at difficult times and remind us just how special we are and how much He loves us all.

These are not homework; they are just some ideas for you to use if you’d like to. Additionally, if you would like to listen to the school mission statement song, please see below.

Please be assured that all of us at St Mary’s are praying for you and your families,

Mrs Beaven

Children's Liturgy

Each week, some of our parish children’s liturgy catechists are providing some short videos and activity suggestions each week for you to use as you wish as a family.

The resources for this week are below, as well as the videos from our catechist.

Sunday 5th July – Come to me and rest


Sunday 5th July – Come to me and rest – activity sheet

Sunday 5th July – Come to me and rest

Video – Gospel Reading

Video – activities

You can get further resources and information from our Bognor Catholic Parish website.

You can also join CAFOD’s live Children’s liturgy each Sunday at 10am. This requires signing up to join via the link from the CAFOD Children’s liturgy page.

Alternately you can use the CAFOD resources which are attached below.

Sunday 28th June – Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul



Home Assemblies

Mr Edgington –  Gospel Assembly  – Monday 13th July

Mr Edgington –  Gospel Assembly  – Monday 6th July

Mr Edgington – ‘Do Not Be Afraid’ – Monday 22nd June

Other CAFOD Resources

There are also lots of fun games to play on Kids-Zone, linked to our world, fairtrade and more.

CAFOD – Home Learning activities

CAFOD – Lent resources

Bible resources

The Bible for Children

This is a great set of resources which explore different stories in the Bible. You and your child can listen, read or watch a whole range of different Bible stories.

The Animated Bible

Click here to follow a link to a YouTube playlist which gives some fantastic animations of the stories and lessons from books of the Bible