Over the last few years we have been considering and evaluating the opportunity
provided to the children, by getting a school dog. This is known as “Animal Assisted
As part of this work we have visited local schools with students and staff to
evaluate and plan how to do this in the best possible way. The research is very
compelling and has shown that there are distinctive benefits for all the school
community if this is structured in the right way.
Mrs Beaven has kindly volunteered her dog Nala, and we will be looking to gradually
introduce Nala to working in school from this term onwards. Nala is a Golden
Retriever, who is very social, and used to the company of adults and children.
Proposed benefits include;
Love and support for groups of students
Knowledge and understanding of animals
A feel and sense of community
Self esteem and interest for all students and especially some of our most
vulnerable groups
Learning, including reading
Developing responsibility
Reducing stress
Some curriculum involvement and benefits
We believe, having visited the schools with a school dog already and researched this
project fully, that having a school dog will provide significant benefits and we are
looking forward to gradually introducing Nala to our school.