Year 5 and 6 are drawing towards the end of our penultimate term of this academic year and are very excited about two potential writing opportunities for the children in Regis, Hotham and Wheatland classes.
This week, the children should be coming home from school with an envelope which contains a story they have written based on a video we have been watching in class called ‘Ruin‘. We are encouraging the children, with your supervision, to hide this envelope somewhere in the ‘big, wide world’ for an unsuspecting stranger to find and open. This is what is called Story Hiding.
The aim is that those who end up reading the story will so enjoy reading it that they’ll want to let the world (and our children) know (!) so we have set up a blog using WordPress where people can leave comments about the story they have read. They are then encouraged to ‘re-hide’ the story so that someone else might have the chance to read it. You can see the blog here, which we hope in time will fill up with lovely, encouraging comments.