An unexpected visitor!

Feb 11, 2022 | News

On Monday we had an emergency outside the school when a member of the public collapsed. We were about to press the defibrillator into action when an ambulance and paramedics arrived. Peace had been restored until the sound of a helicopter broke the silence. Thinking it was the coastguard dealing with an incident caused by the strong winds, school life carried on as normal and Craigweil class got changed into their PE kits for tag rugby on the field. Minutes after Mrs Flaxbeard had started explaining the rules some of the eagle eyed children spotted the helicopter beginning its descent. Wasting no time, Mrs Flaxbeard corralled the children towards the perimeter of the field and they had a ringside seat as the Kent, Surrey and Sussex air ambulance landed on our field!

Lara and Harriet, the two doctors very kindly took some aerial photographs of the school on their flight back to base!

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