
Wellbeing Cabin

Wellbeing Cabin

Our wonderful Play therapist Evelyn Saunders has finished preparing our Wellbeing Cabin out on the School Field. The Cabin will be open at...

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Open Afternoon

Open Afternoon

If you have a child who is due to start school in September 2024 then we would love to invite you to our open afternoon on 7th November at 2pm.

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World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

This morning's assembly was in honour of World Mental Health Day which was on 10th October. The children learnt a bit about how to look after their...

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Grandparents Afternoon

Grandparents Afternoon

On Friday afternoon we invited our Grandparents in to school as we do every year, as a part of Grandparents' Week organised by the Diocese to...

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Hotham Class Assembly

Hotham Class Assembly

Thank you very much to Hotham Class for their wonderful assembly last week. They talked to us about their current RE topic 'Creation & Covenant'...

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