We recently sent a ParentMail to all parents with some guidelines and suggestions about how to approach the White Rose Maths scheme that we have guided parents to for home learning. If you missed it, please carry on reading. This gives some useful encouragement to parents about how to enable your children to engage with the scheme.
Dear parents/carers,
As you may have noticed, we have started to use these White Rose materials for our maths lessons. The scheme we use in school, Power Maths, was created by one of the original authors of the White Rose materials so we know that the approach is very similar to the one we would use to teach your children. The units start from the end of the Spring Term so continue from the point most classes reached in March before schools closed. They build on what the children have already learnt but will move them on to new learning so some children may struggle.
Your child’s teacher will add extra explanations or activities to support the children if they can see areas that might be confusing. As in school, we do not expect all children to complete the same work. The questions do become progressively harder so not all children will be able to answer all questions. That is what happens in school so please just encourage the children to do as much as THEY can.
Symbols are used on the side of the worksheets:
A cube symbol (multilink) suggests the use of concrete resources.
A draw symbol (pen and squiggly line) encourages drawing.
A bar model symbol: as bar models are a particular type of drawing, this symbol gives a clear hint when it might be the best method to use.
A talk symbol (speech bubble) stimulates mathematical talk so might encourage them to discuss their thinking with someone at home.
A think symbol (purple cloud) indicates a question where students have to think that little bit deeper. These might only be suitable for children who are ready for a challenge.
Please double-check that the activity sheet matches the video they have just watched. I have noticed that the year 4 tasks often default to Summer 1 even when I am looking at Spring 1.
Finally, please ensure children are accessing the materials for their correct maths group. They should be guided by their maths teacher’s name, which is not always their class teacher’s name. If you have any feedback for us about these resources, please email your child’s class teacher. Thank you for all your efforts to continue the children’s learning.
Take care
Mrs Flaxbeard