This year did not end as we would have hoped in Year 5/6… but, as usual, we all made the best of the situation and joined together for our end of year liturgy over Zoom! Mrs Hogan-Hussein led the start of the liturgy by introducing the powerful picture of “Christ As A Bridge”, where the children described what they could see and how it made them feel. Mr Mortimore then led an activity where we all reflected on what we are thankful for and what we are thanking God for. Our next reflection was led by Miss Breese, which was based on what we have learnt this past year and what we would take with us on the next chapter of our lives, including all of the things we are thankful for. We then shared them. Our wonderful teaching assistants led us into prayer at the end of the liturgy and we ended it by signing the Irish Blessing all together.
Y6 End of Year Liturgy
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