
Animal Assisted Activities

Animal Assisted Activities

Over the last few years we have been considering and evaluating the opportunityprovided to the children, by getting a school dog. This is known as...

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West Sussex West Champions!

West Sussex West Champions!

St Mary’s progress through to represent West Sussex West at the county finals in January. Well done lads! St Mary’s triumph as County Final beckons...

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Early Years Play Area

Early Years Play Area

We are so delighted with our new Early Years playground. As well as a brand new canopy the children also have a tunnel, a tree-house and even a...

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Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival

We have been celebrating our Harvest Festival in school today. The children all wore their brightest colours, and have brought in donations for...

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Grandparent’s Afternoon

Grandparent’s Afternoon

We were delighted to welcome almost 100 grandparents to our service and tea and cake afternoon on Friday 30th September. The FSA served refreshments...

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